Feb 18, 2022

Stop getting ready to get ready. The time to take action is today.

Right now.

The action you take doesn't have to be big, it can be small, it really doesn't matter the size, it just matters that you take action.

That life you keep saying you want? Take the first step to make it real.

That business you say you want? Take the first step to make it real.

That relationship you say you want? Take the first step to make it real.

Seriously you are a master at talking yourself into or out of a course of action. The time is never going to be 'right' so just go for it.

Hire who you need to hire to help you get where you want to go. Do the work you need to do to turn your desire into reality. Some of the work will be hard and that's okay that's why it's called work.

It's okay to be scared. It's okay to make mistakes, that's how we learn. It's not okay to let your fear hold you and your dreams hostage.

You're future self thanks you for just making the fucking leap.

You're worth the effort, I promise.

Huge Love,

Jennifer Malocha

Winner Circle Coaching