Feb 18, 2022

I came across this assignment I had done during my Fitness Degree program about Negative Self Talk.  I wrote this about 9 years ago and as I was reading through it I was struck by how relevant the topic always seems to be and decided to share it with you.

For the most part, I have a pretty solid positive self-image.  It's kind of funny when I first this started this assignment I couldn't think of any then after I thought of one it was like the flood gates opened and I started to think about EVERYTHING that I think is negative about me. 

I think that my top three negative self-perceptions are that I am inefficient with my time, I am huge, and I can be obsessively driven.  I feel that if I wasn't such a slacker I could get more done.  I would get straight A's, my house would always be clean, my kids would always find me accessible, everyone would always have clean socks, I would volunteer more at the kid's school, the list goes on and on. 

I think that being inefficient with time and being obsessively driven can almost be one and the same.  As for being huge, I have wrestled with this one most of my life.  As far back as JR. High kids called me Amazon, giraffe and my favorite gargantuan.  For a long period of time in my life, I acted very butch, very tough and BAD.  Then I learned that it was just fine to be a large powerful female that didn't have to act tough to get respect. 

I believe that all three of these things can have a positive spin put on them.  As for being driven that means that I am motivated to work hard and succeed.  For being inefficient with my time it means that I have the ability to make downtime a priority.  And as for being huge, being tall and physically powerful sure does feel good.  Plus I can be a great role model for other large females. 

Someone once told me, I can't judge my insides by someone else's outsides.  When I was able to take that to heart I started feeling a great deal better about myself.  It's still hard sometimes when I compare myself to the cute svelte beauties of the world but on a day to day basis I am pretty darn happy with who I am and blessings that God gives me.

What negative self-talk do you have going on in your head?  Can you shift from seeing only the negative about yourself to seeing the positive?  I challenge you to find the positive in the things about yourself that you say negative things about now.  You really ARE amazing - I promise!

Here's to you in Health, Wellness, and Abundance!

Jennifer Malocha CEO of Winner Circle Coaching

[email protected]

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